
Drama Club

This club’s purpose is to offer students the chance to explore the theatrical arts, make new friends, and hold shows for the whole of the Ave Maria community to enjoy.

The AMU Drama Club desires to encourage all participants to understand acting as a form of "self-gift", in the words of Pope St. John Paul II, and to give glory to God through their talents as they share them gratefully with theUniversity. The club is dedicated to serving the University by performing shows that are a reflection of truth, beauty, goodness, and the human experience. In this time of secularly focused theater, the AMU Drama Club seeks to provide a counter cultural outlet. We hope to draw participants, both on the stage and in the audience, into a richer relationship with The Lord by His gifts of self-reflection and freedom to grow from new experiences. We call upon OurLady, Pope St. John Paul II, St. Cecilia, St. Genesius, and St. Blaise to protect and guide each of our club members closer to the Lord through the gift of performance.

Members are expected to attend rehearsals and meetings that they are called for. Members must be actively participating in each rehearsal or meeting to which they are called. Students can become members either auditioning for a show orby helping prepare a show behind the scenes.
